Through a series of thematic workshops this new NEREUS/ESA-initiative wishes to animate the dialogue between end users (mainly regions and LRAs) and the supply side with the objective to gain more information about the factors that are behind a slow Copernicus uptake and potential roadblocks.
Taking up the findings of the 2012-NEREUS/ESA-initiative, “The Growing Use of GMES Across Europe’s Regions”-publication, a collection of 67 examples of regional Copernicus applications, the current project wants to learn more about the deployment situation at regional level. The former collection had revealed plenty available Copernicus services at regional level, however stated that their actual deployment within regional administrations is sluggish.
The thematic workshops will be held in specific application areas that are of special interest for regional administrations (e.g. coastal management, civil emergencies, air quality etc.). The idea is to give LRAs an insight into existing Copernicus services and products in the selected topics while service providers get feed-back on specific needs and experiences of LRAs. Key target group of the initiative are local and regional authorities (LRAs). LRAs and service providers as well as researchers from across Europe, from NEREUS-regions and regions outside the network will be invited to attend the workshops.
In order to identify the workshop topics that are of priority interest for LRAs, they will be involved via a simple online consultation (in different languages: Italian – French – German and Polish).
12 NEREUS-regions volunteered to propose and designate a topic in which they have special expertise and commitment. For this thematic they agreed to organize and host a workshop in their territory. The outcomes of the single thematic workshops will be brought together in an overall final report and analysed with view to the EU-programs and policies of the new program period 2014-2020 but also to grasp the interaction and exchange with LRA’s and their individual experiences.
The main findings will then be presented on the occasion of a festive final event in Brussels to a broad audience comprised of representatives of relevant European institutions but also regional representatives from relevant organisations and networks and to share with them the “lessons learnt”.
Project duration will be 2 years and more than 13 NEREUS-regions are actively involved, amongst which many of the former DORIS_NET partners, who set a Copernicus Regional Contact Office (RCO).