Registration: Space Data for Sustainable Tourism with Emphasis on Water Scarcity – EUSPA/Cassini initiative and activities related to tourism and water, 17 May, 10-11.30 (Brussels time)

On the 17th of May, 10-11.30 (Brussels time), NEREUS organises a webinar on sustainable tourism. The session is part of a series that introduces the participants to the dimension of space technologies for sustainable tourism. Tourism is a large contributor to many national economies; according to statistics before the pandemic, the sector would directly contribute on average with 4.4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and 21.5% of service exports in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.


You can download the agenda here (link).

You can register here (link).


The Catalan Tourism agency will give an overview on the promotion strategy of its region, what are challenges for tourism in Catalonia? What are the impacts of tourism in the region? What is the role of Water and Water management for the tourism sector in Catalonia). Following the presentation of the Catalan Tourism Authority representatives of relevant service provider will react and present best practices that bring sustainable solutions to the tourism sector.


Map2Fish: a Fish stock service for tourism: Coastal and maritime tourism is a significant and growing sector within the Blue Economy, with fishing tourism as a niche segment that has seen an increase in popularity due to its potential for increased revenue. The Map2Fish service aims to simplify the decision-making process for fishing tourism operators and enthusiasts by providing information on pelagic fish concentration probabilities and parameters such as sea surface temperature, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-a concentration, water transparency, currents, and waves. This service addresses a growing economic sector and can lead to more successful fishing trips, cost minimization, and development of services for customers. Map2Fish – A fish stock service for tourism | Copernicus 


EUSPA is going to introduce the EUSPA/Cassini initiative and present some Cassini start-up activities related to sustainable tourism touching upon: 

  •  environmental indicators for tourism destinations  
  • water management in “active” tourism – golf courses 
  • coastal water quality monitoring for resort tourism with EO 
  • snow monitoring – replenishment of groundwater 



Target group: space clusters within and outside NEREUS, SMEs, companies, and all regional stakeholders interested in space businesses regarding the use of space technologies.



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