Survey Invitation for Local and Regional Authorities, deadline 15 September

The EU-funded SPACE4Cities project is on a mission to tackle the pressing challenges faced by European cities by leveraging European satellite data. Innovative Suppliers can develop groundbreaking solutions to mitigate these challenges.


The consortium is gearing up to launch a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) tender for innovative solutions early next year, with a budget of 2.8 million Euros. The five Procuring Partners — Helsinki, Amsterdam, Ghent, Athens (Attica region), and Guimaraes — have identified common urban challenges that future suppliers will need to address.


But before they finalize the call for tenders, they want to ensure that the solutions we seek will benefit cities all across Europe, not just the project consortium members. That’s where you come in! You also have the opportunity to join us next year as a replicator city.


Share Your Views:

If you represent a city or region, we invite you to share your perspective on the priority challenges by completing our brief online survey: Fill out the survey.

The survey will take only 5 minutes, and it closes on the 15th of September 2024.

This is your chance to shape the challenges we present to suppliers and the solutions that will be developed in response! Feel free to share this survey within your organization. The results will help shape the final Call for Tenders, set to be published in early 2025.


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