Registration: Space Data for Sustainable Tourism with Emphasis on Water, 17 October, 10-11.30 (Brussels time)

On the 17th of October, 10-11.30 (Brussels time), NEREUS organises a webinar on sustainable tourism. The session is part of a series that introduces the participants to the dimension of space technologies for sustainable tourism. Tourism is a large contributor to many national economies; according to statistics before the pandemic, the sector would directly contribute on average with 4.4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and 21.5% of service exports in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.


You can download the agenda here (link).

You can register here (link).


Presentation of the –Water-ForCE- Project whose overarching objective is to develop a Roadmap for Copernicus water services. The idea is to user and stakeholder-driven concept for water services (water quantity, water quality, hydrological parameters, ice, snow, etc.) by assessing the existing and emerging needs, the opportunities presented by the current and future technical capabilities of satellite and in situ sensors, and addressing the current disconnects between remote sensing, in situ observations and modeling communities. For more information refer to the project summary. 


SAFETrail is a project of the ESA EO-Alps initiative and aims to prove the feasibility of the provision of near-real-time EO services to support the better management the tourism activities in high mountain areas of the Alps sustainably. 




Target group: space clusters within and outside NEREUS, SMEs, companies, and all regional stakeholders interested in space businesses regarding the use of space technologies.



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