The European Space Agency is aiming to foster commercially driven research in space in order to lead new products and services onto the market. This will require a fertilisation between space and non-space sectors. For this, ESA is organising on 4 June 2018, at the ERASMUS Innovation Centre (ESTEC, the Netherlands), the Innovation Exchange – Commercialise Space Research. This one-day event will bring together scientific, industrial and technological representatives from space and non-space market sectors, e. g. materials, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, human physiology, biology, etc. At this event, the Agency will announce a Call for Ideas on “Commercially-Driven Research in Space”.
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About European Space Agency

The European Space Agency is Europe’s gateway to Space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA’s vision positions space exploration as a global endeavour, including missions to low Earth orbit, the Moon and Mars. It also aims to establish marketable space exploration initiatives and to boost socio-economic growth, job creation and added welfare. In few words ESA vision is to improve the lives of people on Earth through Space.


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