Interregional Collaboration/Partnerships

ln order to bring regions and its stakeholders together with the objective to adapt Space-based solutions to common problems and foster their use in new domains, NEREUS commits to intensify networking, building partnerships, fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange as well as stimulating cooperation within and between regions and bring new members to the Network. Linking the Space community with other user communities and associations is vital in this process. Over the past year, the Network has increased its presence in European projects with the aim of promoting regional space uses and reinforcing the regional dimension in European space policies and programmes.


9 January 2013


DORIS_NET (full title: Downstream Observatory organised by Regions active In Space – Network) is the first EU-funded project that was mobilized... View Article

9 January 2012


THE ISSUE (full title: Traffic- Health-Environment. Intelligent Solutions Sustaining Urban Economies) is one of the projects mobilized on the NEREUS platform.... View Article

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Regional Anchorage


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