Technological trends/ Public Outreach

NEREUS will address technology trends and developments and evaluate their adequacy to future user needs and societal challenges. To support its views, it will offer platforms for cross-sectoral discussion, organise thematic workshops and engage in political dialogue to foster the uptake of user-driven strategies. In particular, through workshops and high-level meetings, local politicians, businesses and the research community and other key regional stakeholders can update themselves on new trends to boost and accelerate their businesses, research and innovation. With respect to triggering regional innovation performance and commercial utilisation of Space (e.9. experiments on board of lSS, feedbacks of space technologies to other sectors, space tourism, commercial space transportation, space resources utilisation, in space servicing, etc.), NEREUS stakeholders will explore how direct and indirect outcomes from Space Exploration technologies and associated new commercial concepts can be better exploited for the benefits of citizens and regional economies. Education/training and entrepreneurship stimulation. These actions are considered key for the development of innovative Space-based applications. The network will therefore strive to engage with the New Skills Agenda for Europe and contribute to building better skilled human resources and support an entrepreneurial culture in its regions. Communication and Public Outreach Promotion and awareness raising activities remain corner stones of interregional collaboration and an important fundament for political advocacy and dialogue.


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